About ntfy

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ntfy is a utility for sending notifications, on demand and when commands finish. It supports many delivery mechanisms, both local and remote.




$ sudo pip install ntfy
$ ntfy send test
# send a notification when the command `sleep 10` finishes
# this send the message '"sleep 10" succeeded in 0:10 minutes'
$ ntfy done sleep 10
$ ntfy -b pushover -o user_key t0k3n send 'Pushover test!'
$ ntfy -t 'ntfy' send "Here's a custom notification title!"
$ echo -e 'backends: ["pushover"]\npushover: {"user_token": "t0k3n"}' > ~/.config/ntfy/ntfy.yml
$ ntfy send "Pushover via config file!"
$ ntfy done --pid 6379  # PID extra
$ ntfy send ":tada: ntfy supports emoji! :100:"  # emoji extra


It is suggested to globally (as indicated in quickstart above, without a virtualenv) install ntfy. It can be installed in a virtualenv, with caveats. Linux notifications requires --system-site-packages to be used and OS X notifications don’t work at all.


ntfy supports emoji shortcodes, support can be installed by installing ntfy[emoji]. XMPP support requires SleekXMPP which can be installed by installing ntfy[xmpp]. ntfy done can watch existing processes by their PID if you install ntfy[pid]. See the quickstart for usage examples.

Shell integration

ntfy has support for automatically sending notifications when long running commands finish in bash and zsh. In bash it emulates zsh’s preexec and precmd functionality with rcaloras/bash-preexec. To enable it add the following to your .bashrc or .zshrc:

eval "$(ntfy shell-integration)"

By default it will only send notifications for commands lasting longer than 10 seconds. This can be configured with the AUTO_NTFY_DONE_TIMEOUT environment variable.

To avoid unnecessary notifications when running interactive programs programs listed in AUTO_NTFY_DONE_IGNORE don’t generate notifications. for example:

export AUTO_NTFY_DONE_IGNORE="vim screen meld"

Configuring ntfy

ntfy is configured with a YAML file stored at ~/.config/ntfy/ntfy.yml


The backends key specifies what backends to use by default. Each backend has it’s own configuration, stored in a key of it’s own name. For example:

    - pushover
    - linux
    - xmpp
    user_key: hunter2
    access_token: hunter2
     jid: "user@gmail.com"
     password: "xxxx"
     mtype: "chat"
     recipient: "me@jit.si"

If you want mulitple configs for the same backend type, you can specify any name and then specify the backend with a backend key. For example:

    user_key: hunter2
    backend: pushover
    user_key: hunter2

See the backends bellow for available backends and options.

Pushover - pushover

Required parameters:
  • user_key
Optional parameters:
  • sound
  • priority
  • expire
  • retry
  • callback
  • access_token - use your own application token
  • device - target a device, if omitted, notification is sent to all devices
  • url
  • url_title
  • html

Pushbullet - pushbullet

Required parameter:
Optional parameters:
  • device_iden - a device identifier, if omited, notification is sent to all devices
  • email - send notification to pushbullte user with the specified email or send an email if they aren’t a pushullet user

XMPP - xmpp

Requires parameters:
  • jid
  • password
  • recipient
Optional parameters
  • hostname (if not from jid)
  • port
  • path_to_certs
  • mtype (‘chat’ required for Google Hangouts)

To verify the SSL certificates offered by a server: path_to_certs = “path/to/ca/cert”

Without dnspython library installed, you will need to specify the server hostname if it doesn’t match the jid.

For example, to use Google Talk you would need to use: hostname = ‘talk.google.com’

Specify port if other than 5222. NOTE: Ignored without specified hostname

Linux Desktop Notifications - linux

Works via dbus, works with most DEs like Gnome, KDE, XFCE and with libnotify.

Windows Desktop Notifications - win32

Uses pywin32.

Mac OS X Notification Center - darwin

Requires ntfy to be installed globally (not in a virtualenv).

Other options

Title is configurable with the title key in the config. Example:

title: Customized Title


python setup.py test


  • dschep - Maintainer & Lead Developer
  • danryder - XMPP Backend & emoji support

Indices and tables