About ntfy

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ntfy is a utility for sending notifications, on demand and when commands finish. It supports many delivery mechanisms, both local and remote.




$ sudo pip install ntfy
$ ntfy send test
# send a notification when the command `sleep 10` finishes
# this send the message '"sleep 10" succeeded in 0:10 minutes'
$ ntfy done sleep 10
$ ntfy -b pushover -o user_key t0k3n send 'Pushover test!'
$ ntfy -t 'ntfy' send "Here's a custom notification title!"
$ echo -e 'backends: ["pushover"]\npushover: {"user_token": "t0k3n"}' > ~/.config/ntfy/ntfy.yml
$ ntfy send "Pushover via config file!"


It is suggested to globally (as indicated in quickstart above, without a virtualenv) install ntfy. It can be installed in a virtualenv, with caveats. Linux notifications requires --system-site-packages to be used and OS X notifications don’t work at all.


ntfy supports emoji shortcodes, support can be installed by installing ntfy[emoji]. XMPP support requires SleekXMPP which can be installed by installing ntfy[xmpp]. ntfy done can watch existing processes by their PID if you install ntfy[pid].

Shell integration

ntfy has support for automatically sending notifications when long running commands finish in bash and zsh. In bash it emulates zsh’s preexec and precmd functionality with rcaloras/bash-preexec. To enable it add the following to your .bashrc or .zshrc:

eval "$(ntfy shell-integration)"

By default it will only send notifications for commands lasting longer than 10 seconds. This can be configured with the AUTO_NTFY_DONE_TIMEOUT environment variable.

To avoid unnecessary notifications when running interactive programs programs listed in AUTO_NTFY_DONE_IGNORE don’t generate notifications. for example:

export AUTO_NTFY_DONE_IGNORE="vim screen meld"

Configuring ntfy

ntfy is configured with a YAML file stored at ~/.config/ntfy/ntfy.yml


The backends key specifies what backends to use by default. Each backend has it’s own configuration, stored in a key of it’s own name. For example:

    - pushover
    - linux
    - xmpp
    user_key: hunter2
    access_token: hunter2
     jid: "user@gmail.com"
     password: "xxxx"
     mtype: "chat"
     recipient: "me@jit.si"

If you want mulitple configs for the same backend type, you can specify any name and then specify the backend with a backend key. For example:

    user_key: hunter2
    backend: pushover
    user_key: hunter2

See the backends bellow for available backends and options.

Pushover - pushover

Required parameters:
  • user_key
Optional parameters:
  • sound
  • priority
  • expire
  • retry
  • callback
  • access_token - use your own application token
  • device - target a device, if omitted, notification is sent to all devices
  • url
  • url_title
  • html

Pushbullet - pushbullet

Required parameter:
Optional parameters:
  • device_iden - a device identifier, if omited, notification is sent to all devices
  • email - send notification to pushbullte user with the specified email or send an email if they aren’t a pushullet user

XMPP - xmpp

Requires parameters:
  • jid
  • password
  • recipient
Optional parameters
  • hostname (if not from jid)
  • port
  • path_to_certs
  • mtype (‘chat’ required for Google Hangouts)

To verify the SSL certificates offered by a server: path_to_certs = “path/to/ca/cert”

Without dnspython library installed, you will need to specify the server hostname if it doesn’t match the jid.

For example, to use Google Talk you would need to use: hostname = ‘talk.google.com’

Specify port if other than 5222. NOTE: Ignored without specified hostname

Linux Desktop Notifications - linux

Works via dbus, works with most DEs like Gnome, KDE, XFCE and with libnotify.

Windows Desktop Notifications - win32

Uses pywin32.

Mac OS X Notification Center - darwin

Requires ntfy to be installed globally (not in a virtualenv).

Other options

Title is configurable with the title key in the config. Example:

title: Customized Title


python setup.py test


  • dschep - Maintainer & Lead Developer
  • danryder - XMPP Backend & emoji support

Indices and tables